Christmas Mantel
So I finally just started tackling it. I painted it white and then embossed some silver snowflakes which didn't turn out the best, but they work. I made some fringe flowers from red paper and used some Christmas brads for the centers. I had a lot of fun working on it once I got going. :)
I'm not sure how Carter is getting so big, but it's happening. He's almost 7 months old and is in 12 month size clothes now and on the verge of crawling - he scoots all over.
Pretty handsome little guy if I do say so myself. :)
On a side note, I did make a batch of the laundry soap awhile ago and am loving it. I've given over 1/2 the batch away to people that wanted to try it so I'll probably be making more sometime in the next couple of months, but it's working great and soooo much cheaper!
Have a great Monday!
Weekend update
I'm back to the hospital later this morning; prayers and happy thoughts sent Grandma's way would be appreciated. :)
Hope everyone has a great week!
December Daily
Busy Weekend
On Sunday, Carter was baptized at Church and then we had family over afterwards for pizza. I didn't get hardly any pictures and the ones I did get didn't turn out too good, but oh well - Mom got some so I'll need to print some of hers too. :)
Here is a picture of Carter with his god-parents - Auntie Kristen & Uncle Matt! :)

Here are a couple of layouts I did awhile ago - bad pictures of them, but I love how they turned out.
The journaling reads: 10 Things I love about you 1. your infectious laugh 2. that you love snuggling at night at bedtime 3. your ability to make a mess within minutes 4. your love for your brother 5. your smile 6. that you correct me on my tractors 7. listening to you go through books & tell the stories 8. your persistence when you want candy 9. that you love coming to my scrap room with me 10. that you call M&M's chingaderas thanks to Grandpa.

Well - I better go see if I can get any housework done - this evening I'm off to my first spinning class in years. :) Hopefully I survive! I've got lots on my to do list this week - I'm going to try making my own laundry detergent. I've started it, but its not done yet - we'll see how it goes! :)
Here's one last picture - my boys on halloween - we had one 'GIANT' pumpkin and a monkey. (Blake was not just a pumpkin he was a 'GIANT' pumpkin).
Happy Halloween!
How bad is it that this year I didn't really get out a lot of the Halloween decorations - I have the fall decorations out, but now the Halloween ones...that's not like me. I'm already getting ready for Christmas though - how scary is that...
I made two of these frames - one for my Mom & Dad and another for Eric's parents. They were a lot of fun actually and Blake helped me some.
It's a really bad picture - but I snapped it really fast as I was running out the door with it to deliver. :) I got the idea off of Pinterest (I am officially addicted by the way) Here's the original that I pinned.
I bought two $0.97 frames from Walmart and painted them green. I hot-glued wiggly eyes all over it. Added some ribbon and cut out 'eek' with my Cricut and we were good to go.
It was a great in-expensive gift that I think I'll maybe make one for myself for next year. It would've been better to give them the frame with the boys in the Halloween costumes, but the costumes weren't ready in time.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy Halloween!
12 Things Before 2012
12 Things To Do Before 2012
This was taken at the Wooden Shoe Pumpkin Fest - Eric's cousin knitted Carter a pumpkin hat and it is stinkin' adorable!
Oh & I have actually been getting some projects done that I've pinned on Pinterest! I'll post it here shortly, but I made my parents & Eric's parents a frame for Halloween with the above picture in it. It's stinkin' cute!
I scored!
Yesterday, Carter was laying on his activity mat and Blake decided that he wanted to lay next to him. I bet they laid together for over 15 minutes which is quite unusual for Blake to stay like that for that long.
It's so fun to see them together - I can't wait to see what trouble they get into when they're older. :)
Today, my wonderful sister-in-law tagged along with me while I shopped for some shorts for Blake. The boy didn't have any that fit him...
I got some really good deals - for $100 I got...
-6 pairs of shorts
-3 sets of pajamas (2 have shorts & pants)
-3 shirts
-2 shirts
-6 onesies
-1 pair of overalls
-1 pair of shorts
I thought I did pretty good. I also earned a $25 Gymbuck at Gymboree!! :)
Hope everyone has a great rest of the week...I'm working on putting together my 'Home Management Notebook' - I got the idea from Honey We're Home and I'm really excited about it!
Memory Game
I used the Fancy Pants - To the Moon patterned paper (which I absolutely love). The Cricut worked great to cut out the circles and the numbers. It was a pretty fun little project to put together!
Well I'm going to get outside and enjoy this sunshine we're having before its gone in a few days!
Have a great weekend!
Carter Allen
He weighed 8 lbs. 1 oz. when he was born. I took him in last week for his 2 week check-up and he weighed 9 lbs. 3 oz. I'm telling you the boy loves to eat!
It amazes me how much he looks like Blake sometimes.
Where does the time go?
Blake continues to amaze me - he's so funny! How is it that my baby can:
- Wants to help with everything - folding laundry, unloading the dishwasher, etc.
- Talk in complete sentences
I love how he mispronounces some words (I actually kind of miss it when he learns how to say the correct word).
(He used to call a combine a 'bundy').
He loves motorcycles - on our last trip to the sand, Eric took him out on the 4-wheeler and he loved the hills (going up and down).
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!
Hopefully after this weekend I'll have some fun pictures to post of the convention as well. I signed up for a lot of classes this year...I figured that way I wouldn't spend as much at the vendor faire and being about 33 weeks pregnant I didn't need to be on my feet a ton (I have a tendency to get cankles if I'm up for too long).
Hope you have a great weekend as well!
We had snow...I promise
Funny story though: Last night I went into Blake's room (he'd been playing in there for awhile) and he had gotten into the container of bag balm (don't judge me - I know its for cows, but it honestly is the best diaper rash cream we've tried yet) anyway he had it all over his clothes, in his hair, all over his toys (he was washing them so he says). And that stuff does not clean easily. He got a bath last night and his hair is still greasy today!
Well that's it for now...I have a couple of cards I need to get made so hopefully I'll have some pics to post soon!
Hope everyone is having a great day!
Christmas Card
Supplies: White cardstock, patterned paper - Basic Grey Figgy Pudding
While I was down in the scraproom I thought I'd better get a card going for my parents' wedding anniversary that's this week, so I used the same sketch.
Supplies: White Cardstock, Patterned paper - Close to my Heart, Pearls/Flowers (unknown)
Thanks for stopping by!
Not much else to catch up on that I can think of now. We've been so busy I don't know where the time goes. I had to go in for a follow-up glucose test because my first one came back high and it was awful! Thankfully it came back normal so no gestational diabetes for me! :) Blake is cracking us up every day more and more - he is such a hoot! I almost forget what life was like before we had him - it must have been pretty uneventful. :)
Have a great day!
Valentine's Day Card
Blake has been so funny lately - I told Eric that I think he's going to be the class clown. He's such a ham. His new thing now is that everything has to 'pop a wee-wee' instead of (pop a wheelie). I went into his room the other day and all of his tractors (and the boy has a lot of tractors) were all tipped up on their back wheels - when he saw me he got all excited and started yelling 'pop a wee-wee, pop a wee-wee'. It was the funniest thing ever.
I was able to get two scrap pages done the other day, but I haven't had a chance to take pictures of them yet-will do that soon.
The Karen Russell photography class I'm taking started today so I'm off to read my lessons for this week. I've read the first lesson and I have 4 more to go. :) I'm loving it!
Have a great week!
Look what came
One of the stops was the post office and look what came today -
It's the binder for Karen Russell's online photography class I'm taking that starts next week! Yippee! (Last week I also got the 50mm lens in the mail that I bought from B&H Photo so I'm all ready to go!)
I enrolled Blake in the Indoor Park this morning also - we didn't stay too long, but he really liked it and didn't want to leave! I'm excited to have that outlet for him to run around and wear off some energy! :)
Funny story: Last night I heard Blake in our room - when I went in there he had dumped this little bowl where Eric & I put all of our change onto the floor and was taking the coins into his room and putting them in his piggy bank. It was hilarious! I told him that was Mommy & Daddy's money and he informed me that it was his. He looked at me and said "Blake needs money too" How can you not smile at that?
My little boy
Hope everyone had a great Martin Luther King Jr. Day - I'm off to move laundry and bed! :) (Staying up until 10:30 last night trying to get a certain boy to sleep has not had a positive effect on my energy today).
Hope everyone has a great weekend - I'm off to bed...if I can sleep!
New Year
Lots has happened since I last blogged...too much to write, but here's a quick recap...