

Sunshine Box

I'm Back...I'm making myself keep up with this journal because too many of the small things are passing by and as much as I think I'll remember them I know there is a large chance I won't.

Right now Carter -
 - Carter is making car noises all the time
 - He can say several words and seems to be adding more vocabulary every day (I picked him up from daycare today and he had said 2 new words!)
 - He loves to do everything that Blake does - Monkey see, Monkey do! :)
 - He can spend hours (literally) playing on the play-set.  He doesn't want help though; he can climb up and go crawl around and then go down the slide by himself.
 - If he hears Eric on the lawn mower outside he tries to put on his shoes and stands at the back door making vroom vroom noises. :)

Right now Blake -
 - Is loving preschool - he often will start to get a little teary when I leave, but as soon as I leave he's fine and then I have a hard time getting him to leave when I pick him up.
 - He is really starting to get into the little tiny Legos - he's constantly showing me new things he's built (lately he's built an airplane, scarecrow and a camel)
 - Blake wants to be a combine for Halloween - he has been set on it for about a month so this Momma is going to start trying to make one of of a box and various cardboard pieces...wish me luck.
 - He's very into schedules - he's constantly asking what are plans are for the next several days to week (I think part of it is because our schedules have such a mixture.
 - Every time I give Blake a kiss he wipes it off - I honestly think that he doesn't even think about it now, it's become second-nature.  He will let me give him a kiss in the mouth - he opens his mouth as wide as it will go and then I can give him a kiss in his mouth (I can't touch lips or anything though).  I know it sounds wierd, but this Momma is giving or taking any kiss she can. :)

Right now this Momma -
 - Is in the middle of making a mini-album for our church auction and I'm having a blast with it.
 - Is taking a sewing class at Jo-Ann's with my Mom & sister (which reminds me I should be doing my homework because our last class is tomorrow)
 - Just made a Pottery Barn knock-off growth chart with a board and loved it - so I'm making another for the church auction as well - I tease Eric that I'm quite the woodworker now.  :)
 - Is getting really anxious for the basement family room/playroom to be done - I've got lots of decorating ideas
 - Is really needing to start exercising/eating better - Eric & I are going to Hawaii in a little over 3 months and I need to be ready to wear a swimsuit Eeeekkkk!

Right now Eric -
 - Has gotten really into fishing - he's been going almost every weekend - I do have to say that fresh Salmon tastes soooo good!
 - Falls asleep every night in the chair with Carter :)
 - He got the Jeep out this past weekend and we took it to O-fest each day - I forgot how much he loved that thing! :)
 - Is thoroughly excited about buying another boat - that's right another - apparently it's a 'really good deal' and there are different boats that are good for lake fishing vs river fishing (talking to a wall here with me).

My Aunt has been in the hospital for a little while and I saw this idea on Pinterest and I thought it was such a great idea that I had to send her my little version.

The Box of Sunshine was my inspiration - she has some great printables too.  I used one of them, but forgot to take a picture of it.
Here's a pic of the one I created - it was fun putting it together.

I included:
 - Box of Dots Candy
 - Nail file in yellow case
 - Lotion
 - Crystal Light Lemonade mix
 - Juicy Fruit gum
 - Peanut M & M's
 - Hand Soap
 - 2 Yankee floating candles
 - Yellow nailpolish
 - Lemon Drop Candies
 - Small bar of soap

I cut out some stars from yellow paper & added a small get-well note. The Studio Calico boxes that the kits come in each month work great for sending them in the mail!

Hope everyone had a great last day of summer - it's on to fall now!

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