

Valentine's Day Card

Hi Everyone,

I was able to finish the Valentine's day cards yesterday and mailed them off today. One thing to check off the To-Do List. It's a very simple card, but lately I've been into the simple things! :)

Blake has been so funny lately - I told Eric that I think he's going to be the class clown. He's such a ham. His new thing now is that everything has to 'pop a wee-wee' instead of (pop a wheelie). I went into his room the other day and all of his tractors (and the boy has a lot of tractors) were all tipped up on their back wheels - when he saw me he got all excited and started yelling 'pop a wee-wee, pop a wee-wee'. It was the funniest thing ever.

I was able to get two scrap pages done the other day, but I haven't had a chance to take pictures of them yet-will do that soon.

The Karen Russell photography class I'm taking started today so I'm off to read my lessons for this week. I've read the first lesson and I have 4 more to go. :) I'm loving it!
Have a great week!


Look what came

Today was my day to get all my errands ran...didn't quite get them all done, but most of them.
One of the stops was the post office and look what came today -

It's the binder for Karen Russell's online photography class I'm taking that starts next week! Yippee! (Last week I also got the 50mm lens in the mail that I bought from B&H Photo so I'm all ready to go!)

I enrolled Blake in the Indoor Park this morning also - we didn't stay too long, but he really liked it and didn't want to leave! I'm excited to have that outlet for him to run around and wear off some energy! :)

Funny story: Last night I heard Blake in our room - when I went in there he had dumped this little bowl where Eric & I put all of our change onto the floor and was taking the coins into his room and putting them in his piggy bank. It was hilarious! I told him that was Mommy & Daddy's money and he informed me that it was his. He looked at me and said "Blake needs money too" How can you not smile at that?


My little boy

Blake cracks me up everyday - he can be so challenging at times, but he is such a sweet boy that even when he's being a pill you can't help but smile.

He loves reading so I snuck some pics today while he was 'reading' in his chair

Tonight Eric and I were sitting in the living room and Blake comes running through into the dining room carrying a case of his wipes. Eric said "Blake what are you doing?" but he didn't answer so I got up and looked and he was cleaning up some milk he had spilled. By the time I grabbed my camera he had cleaned up all the milk, but it was the cutest thing ever seeing him laying on the floor wiping up his milk.
That's all I have for today - I did have an OB appointment today and I gained another 3 lbs. - doctor said it was okay though because that makes it 11 lbs. total. (This sounds bad, but I wish I'd get a little bigger soon-I'm right at the point that I feel huge, but I think when people look at me they question whether I'm pregnant or just have a big belly).
Hope everyone had a great Martin Luther King Jr. Day - I'm off to move laundry and bed! :) (Staying up until 10:30 last night trying to get a certain boy to sleep has not had a positive effect on my energy today).



Quick post because I'm so excited I can't contain myself!! Eric just gave me the okay to take Karen Russell's online photography workshop. I'm just auditing it, but I'm still stoked about it! It starts January 31st and I can't hardly wait! Now to get caught up on everything else before it starts... You're never really 'caught up' though are you?
Hope everyone has a great weekend - I'm off to bed...if I can sleep!


New Year

I'm not sure where all the time goes, but my hope for this year is to be a lot better about blogging. I want to record all of the little things in my life so when I look back (and when I'm scrapping) I have some of the details that I may not have otherwise recorded. So if I say it out loud I'm hoping that I'll hold myself a little more accountable! :)

Lots has happened since I last blogged...too much to write, but here's a quick recap...

*We're going to have another boy - due May 15th!
*We now have a little kitty that Blake totes around everywhere (sorry about the bad pic, but it gives the idea)!

*Blake is talking like crazy - he repeats almost everything (good and bad) and is trying to put words together into his own sentences too.
I haven't been doing a lot of scrapping, but I recently was reading a book I'd bought awhile ago by Becky Higgins about scrapping family history especially old photographs and it really got me in the mood on a couple of projects I've been wanting to do. We'll see how far I get on that this year! :)
I hope everyone had a great holiday season!